Thursday, November 26, 2015

No Days Off: Writing Lesson #1 & Money Problems

So today's Thanksgiving! Yay! A day with a muddled history that few know the truth about, but a day for spending with family, relaxing, and eating a ton of food.

Unless, of course, you're a writer. I'm learning one of the first lessons of writing as a career: you don't get days off. Personally, I hesitate to give myself any days off because I'm a master procrastinator and when you've got a deadline to reach, that's no fun. I'm currently writing this on the dining table at our family friend's house using my 5-MPH netbook and a charging cord that doesn't work. Alas, we must work with what we are given, and I'm no exception.

I've given myself a deadline of December 6th to finish the manuscript for my second novel, which brings me to my second point: money. I use a website called Reedsy to find professionals to work on my manuscript with me. You can find illustrators, editors, and marketing professionals (general categories, they have a ton of sub-categories) on there and request for them to send you a quote. Today, I got two quotes from two different cover artists. One totaled 1,500 dollars, and the other totaled 750 dollars. Totally fair prices, but money I don't have.

Guess it's time to look for a job on craigslist...

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